Although the ranking of the key risks and challenges for airports varies by region, owners and operators are consistently addressing ESG issues, the build out of automation and digitization programs, the optimization of airport infrastructure and capacity, physical and cyber safety and security, and strategic workforce planning.
- Argentina(Español)
- Österreich (Deutsch)
- Belgium(English)
- Belgique (Français)
- België(Nederlands)
- Brasil (Português)
- Canada(English)
- Canada (Français)
- Chile(Español)
- China(Chinese)
- Colombia(Español)
- Czechia(Czech)
- Denmark(Danish)
- República dominicana(Español)
- France (Français)
- Deutschland (Deutsch)
- Hungary(Hungarian)
- Italia(Italiano)
- 日本(日本語)
- Kazakhstan(Kazakh)
- Kazakhstan(Russian)
- Luxembourg(Français)
- Mexico(Español)
- Maroc(Français)
- Nederland(Nederlands)
- Panamá(Español)
- Perú(Español)
- Poland(Polish)
- Portugal (Português)
- Puerto Rico(Español)
- Romania(Romanian)
- Slovakia(Slovak)
- España (Español)
- Taiwan(Chinese)
- Tunisie(Français)
- Turkey(Turkish)
- Ukraine(Ukrainian)
- United States(English)
- Uruguay(Español)
- Venezuela(Español)