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Les propriétaires, opérateurs, gestionnaires et promoteurs immobiliers doivent rester compétitifs dans le monde dynamique de l'immobilier. Les solutions de gestion des risques de Marsh constituent un système d'assistance idéal pour les entreprises qui ont une vision audacieuse.

La façon dont les gens vivent, travaillent, jouent et interagissent a considérablement changé en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 et peut continuer à évoluer. Pour se positionner sur la voie du succès, les propriétaires, les opérateurs, les gestionnaires et les promoteurs immobiliers devront s'adapter et se concentrer sur les implications à long terme de ces changements, y compris l'évolution des risques en matière de technologies et de changement climatique.

Que votre entreprise soit confrontée à de nouvelles responsabilités environnementales, à des exigences plus strictes en matière d'obtention de prêt ou à l'évaluation d'alternatives en matière de financement des risques, vous pouvez bénéficier des conseils de consultants en gestion des risques ayant une connaissance approfondie de votre secteur.

Les sociétés immobilières devraient trouver des moyens de mieux résister aux risques futurs. Les spécialistes de Marsh mettent leur expertise à votre service pour vous aider à trouver des approches adaptées à vos défis spécifiques, où que vous puissiez les rencontrer.

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Certain risks faced by those operating in the real estate sector are, to varying degrees, ever-present all over the world: These include variances in value tied to unpredictable macroeconomic conditions, natural disasters, human-caused catastrophes, and sudden or gradual property damage.

Others, like sociopolitical unrest, terrorism, and economic instability, are more common in certain markets than others, including various countries in the Asia, Pacific, Middle East, and South America regions.

Some areas of market risk pertain to precise verticals of real estate, rather than regions. For example, the risks of entering the commercial office space leasing market given burgeoning work-from-home trends differ from the risks of third-party logistics space, where demand is currently quite large. Investors should be discerning in their consideration of risk.

For the properties you own or intend to purchase, you'll want protection that goes beyond the basic standards (e.g., provisions for fires, hailstorms, tornadoes, wind damage, vandalism, and theft of non-cash business assets) and accounts for extraordinary circumstances:

  • Extreme weather events (e.g., flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, and landslides/mudflow)
  • Cash theft
  • Loss of rental income
  • Terrorism
  • Financial crime
  • Political risk

Along similar lines, a general liability policy, broad as it can be, may not be enough to fully protect your property interests. Excess liability provisions you should consider include:

  • Directors and officers
  • Errors and omissions
  • Environmental damage
  • Injury (to you and your employees)

The answer to this question depends largely on how long you believe you'll be holding onto the properties that you and your development firm are designing and building.

For example, if your plan is to sell commercial buildings as soon as possible, certain property and casualty provisions will likely become your buyers' responsibility before they can be yours. By contrast, you, unlike them, would need comprehensive builders risk coverage to account for potential mishaps during construction.

On the other end of the spectrum, if developing real estate for your own business use, it's in your best interest to protect it with insurance as wide-ranging as the risks your properties will face.


Risk is unavoidable in the real estate market. While most developers or investors in residential or commercial property are generally aware of risk, it's easy to lose sight of specific risks and subsequently be caught off-guard — and without a critical contingency plan or safety net — when the unexpected actually happens.

Working with the experts at Marsh will help prepare you more effectively for both expected and extraordinary hazards. Our real estate team draws on extensive experience and a truly global perspective, and we're ready to help you find a streamlined and tailored risk management solution.

Marsh Morocco S.A. au capital de 1 500 000 DHS - Intermédiaire d'assurance régi par la Loi N°17-99 portant code des assurances. Autorisation du Ministère des Finances N° C1430CD2023138 du 21 février 2023