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La réussite des entreprises technologiques dépend de leur capacité à saisir les opportunités inhérentes à l'innovation et à maîtriser les risques commerciaux qui y sont associés. Les spécialistes de Marsh peuvent vous aider à identifier et à gérer vos risques à l'aide de technologies, d'analyses, de données et d'outils d'évaluation des risques de pointe.

Les enjeux étant de taille, la gestion des risques est un outil essentiel dans le secteur technologique. Pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, l'importance des technologies dans notre monde est devenue évidente. Lorsque de nombreuses personnes ne pouvaient pas quitter leur domicile, le monde a pu continuer de tourner dans une certaine mesure grâce aux technologies, notamment au télétravail, au commerce numérique et aux plateformes de réseaux sociaux. 

Dans le secteur technologique, la réussite dépend de la capacité de chacun à saisir les opportunités inhérentes à l'innovation sur un marché en mutation rapide et à gérer les risques qui y sont associés. Les violations de données, les pannes d'équipements et de logiciels, ainsi que d'autres cyberrisques demeurent présents, malgré les efforts concertés déployés pour réduire l'impact de ces problèmes et autres interruptions d'activité.

Grâce au service mondial Technology Practice de Marsh, votre entreprise peut évaluer ses risques, hiérarchiser ce qui est le plus important pour vous, mais aussi vous aider à gérer et atténuer vos expositions.

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Technology companies face a number of risks, ranging from cybersecurity and data breaches to industry competition, digital business interruption, IT resilience, and even obsolescence as implementation of artificial intelligence becomes more common. These first two risks, cybersecurity and competition, are perhaps the most pressing for technology companies at the moment. Competition for market share is driving a rapid pace of innovation, and new technologies often go to market before all potential avenues for compromise (such as hacking) are identified and addressed. Unfortunately, this can allow unscrupulous individuals to exploit well-intentioned products and services for their own benefit. Data breaches can have serious consequences for companies and consumers alike, which creates a need for strategic risk management planning.

In addition to the usual insurance for employers, including a business owner’s policy for loss and liability and workers’ compensation where applicable, there are several unique coverages that software companies might consider.

First is cyber liability insurance, which can help pay for recovery efforts following a data breach and associated legal fees. Next is errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, which can be useful in situations involving claims regarding performance of your company’s product.

Finally, another possible consideration is fidelity insurance, which is tailored to industries that rely heavily on intellectual property. Fidelity insurance offers protection for your company, as well as clients, in the event that an employee discloses proprietary information.

Similar to software companies, hardware companies require, at a minimum, the same insurance as most other types of businesses. This includes a general business owners’ policy for loss and liability, as well as workers’ compensation, where applicable, and possibly commercial auto insurance, if product deliveries or services occur as part of routine business operations. Additionally, it can be useful for hardware companies to have coverage for business interruption due to supply chain interruptions and protection against lawsuits related to product failure. These coverage plans have various names, depending on the insurer and area of the world, but essentially serve the same function.

Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance is a type of professional liability insurance that can protect companies against damages from claims or lawsuits alleging that the insured party made a mistake related to its provision of business services or products. Situations that might be covered under an E&O plan include those involving claims of negligence, errors in service, or misrepresentation.

Technology errors and omissions (tech E&O) insurance provides coverage beyond a typical E&O policy for the financial losses a firm’s customers might incur as the result of an error or failure in the technology product or service that the firm has provided. For example, if a company's software fails due to a coding error and it causes the software customer to be unable to transact business, the company's tech E&O policy could cover the losses incurred by the customer.

Technology companies, especially those weighing an IPO, should consider their exposure to risks relating to patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets.

Depending on specific terms and conditions, intellectual property insurance can provide protection from:

  • Defense costs and damages resulting from IP infringement or misappropriation claims brought by third parties.
  • Defense costs and damages resulting from contractual obligations to indemnify vendors, partners, upstream manufacturers, or downstream customers in the event of third-party infringement claims.
  • The costs of defending against third-party attempts to cancel or invalidate registered IP, patent, trademark, or copyright registrations.

Marsh Morocco S.A. au capital de 1 500 000 DHS - Intermédiaire d'assurance régi par la Loi N°17-99 portant code des assurances. Autorisation du Ministère des Finances N° C1430CD2023138 du 21 février 2023