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Marsh Employee Health & Benefits

Managing people risk

People-related risks have risen sharply up the boardroom agenda as a result of the single largest health crisis of our time. Prepare today to manage the risks impacting your workforce now and in the future.

MMB People Risk 2022

As the world moves from one crisis to another,
organizations need to create a strong foundation
to anticipate and manage risks

Recent events have shown how risks are interlinked,
with people at the center
People risk is what connects the worlds
of HR and risk together

By focusing time, budget and effort
on addressing the five pillars of people risk – 
Health & Safety, Governance & Financial, Accelerated Digitization, Talent Practices, and Environmental & Social  –
you can improve the health and resilience
of your people and your business

Today, employees expect more from their organizations,
and from their leaders

Firms need to ask themselves:
“Can we give our people more security, flexibility and better health,
while also managing costs, navigating operational disruption
and preparing for a more accountable future?”

It’s time to review your people risks

The top 10 people risks identified by HR and risk managers globally
can be mitigated by employee benefits and other support programs,
or how they are designed and delivered

Do you want to better understand
and manage your people risks?
Download our free report today.

Managing people risk

When HR and risk professionals work together, they can mitigate people risks linked to cyber threats, new legislation, employee safety and the changing nature of work. Prepare today to manage the risks impacting your workforce now and in the future.

Understanding and evaluating dynamic people risk factors is a top priority for business leaders who want to turn vulnerabilities into strengths. Employee health and benefits plans can be used strategically to manage a range of threats, while helping protect your workforce and improve business performance.

Helping you overcome your greatest challenges

It’s never been more urgent to tackle people risk management.

Organizations can no longer simply react to unfolding events. Instead, they should build on the lessons learned from the pandemic and put in place a strong foundation that will allow them to thoroughly anticipate and mitigate risks.

Never before has it been so crucial that HR and risk management break down silos and work together to protect, equip, and motivate this critical asset.

selected option

The pandemic pushed the health and safety of employees and society as a whole to the foreground. 87% of HR and risk professionals now believe health and safety is a serious threat to business.


*All statistics cited are from Mercer Marsh Benefits People Risk 2022 report.

78% of firms see governance and financial risks as a serious threat. As the requirements related to total rewards management become increasingly complex, businesses must work to ensure they are being compliant, prudent and fair.


*All statistics cited are from Mercer Marsh Benefits People Risk 2022 report.

Accelerated digitization is pushing digital risks, including cybersecurity and the impacts of automation and AI, to the forefront. Indeed, cybersecurity and data privacy is the top people risk facing businesses today.


*All statistics cited are from Mercer Marsh Benefits People Risk 2022 report.

78% of firms say that talent practices risks are a threat, with the changing nature of work – from the rise of hybrid working to globalization – the top concern.


*All statistics cited are from Mercer Marsh Benefits People Risk 2022 report.

The increasing cost of health, risk protection and well-being benefits is a top-10 priority for businesses across the globe, Employers are facing challenges with factors such as medical inflation and a reduced insurer appetite for risk, while claims are becoming more frequent and longer in duration.


Concentrated woman budgeting at office

Know more about

Cost management

*All statistics cited are from Mercer Marsh Benefits People Risk 2022 report.

Environmental and social risks now make up a fifth of the top 10 people risks. Organizations are under increasing pressure from customers, employees and investors to address inequalities, remove disparities and combat climate change.


Do you want to better understand and manage your people-related risks?

Speak with one of our team today.

How Marsh can help

Helping you manage your people risks

Use our insights and analysis to help you understand your workforce-related exposures and stay ahead of the curve on employee health and benefits risks.

Understand your people-related risks

Use our 25 people risks that we’ve grouped into five categories to identify, prioritize, and manage the threats that are most pertinent to you.

Measure your exposures

Measure and quantify your exposures with our proprietary employee health and benefits risk assessment tools, enabling you to focus on data-led decision making.

Manage the threats to your workforce

Take advantage of our innovative insurance solutions and risk management services, and tailor them for your unique employee health and benefits risk profile.