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Les entreprises de fabrication sont confrontées à une série de risques complexes dans l'économie interdépendante, en évolution rapide et orientée vers les consommateurs d'aujourd'hui. Marsh dispose de l'expérience du secteur et de l'expertise en matière de gestion des risques pour vous aider à gérer ces risques et à améliorer vos résultats.

Le paysage de la fabrication est de plus en plus mondialisé du fait de la numérisation et de l'adoption d'un état d'esprit plus centré sur le client.

Bien que cette transformation numérique rapide ait aidé les fabricants à gagner en rentabilité et à transmettre de la valeur tout au long de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, elle a également accru les risques liés aux tensions géopolitiques, à la durabilité et à la résilience climatique, aux faiblesses en matière de cyber-sécurité, aux préoccupations environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG) et aux goulots d'étranglement de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

Pour les entreprises de fabrication, la création d'un programme complet de gestion des risques permet d'exploiter efficacement les technologies pour améliorer la productivité, tout en protégeant les personnes et les biens contre les événements indésirables, tels que les blessures corporelles, les dommages ou autres interruptions d'activité.

Grâce à leur connaissance approfondie du secteur et à leurs capacités de données et d'analyse de qualité, notre équipe de spécialistes en gestion des risques peut vous aider à réduire votre coût total des risques et à minimiser la volatilité de vos opérations.

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Although specific insurance requirements for manufacturing companies vary by their specific operations and business models, most companies will need to consider:

  • Cyber insurance: This helps cover claims from cyber events including a variety of losses from malware to ransomware and more.
  • Property insurance: Whether you own or lease your property, this covers the cost of your loss in the event of damage from a natural disaster or other malfunction risks that slow down or pause your day-to-day operations. Business interruption is also covered as part of this policy.
  • Business interruption and contingent business interruption insurance: This helps cover your lost income if you can’t run your manufacturing business due to covered property damage or loss, such as a fire or storm.
  • Casualty insurance: This covers losses incurred by companies as a result of their employees sustaining work-related injuries, as well as general liability, auto liability, and product liability, all of which are critical to manufacturers’ risk management programs.
  • Director and officers (D&O) insurance: This coverage intends to protect individuals from personal losses if they are sued as a result of serving as a director or an officer of a business or other type of organization.

Although manufacturers will need to plan for vulnerabilities inherent to the industry, including workplace safety, supply chain interruptions, and product recalls, they will also need to consider emerging disruptive trends such as:

  • Sustainability and climate: Climate and sustainability concerns are expected to impact existing placements, the data required, and potentially the coverage offered to manufacturers. Manufacturers also may benefit from new product and coverage opportunities in response to emerging risks and sustainable business practices.
  • Environmental, social, and governance (ESG): Closely aligned to sustainability and climate, ESG has become a boardroom imperative. Manufacturers should consider business practices that reduce their impact on the environment, promote healthy communities, and maintain strict adherence to applicable regulatory and industry standards.
  • Globalization: The events of 2020 highlighted how vulnerable business interactions are to global supply chain disruptions. Anything from grounded flights and natural disasters to cargo theft and quality control can impact the flow of goods, resulting in lost sales and reputational damage. Manufacturers should proactively plan for these disruptions to deliver products on time and on budget.
  • Technology: As companies continue leveraging technology in their business models and as cyber hackers become more sophisticated, this poses increased risks that can cause significant business interruptions.

You should consider implementing proactive risk management plans to address these and other evolving risks to mitigate their impact and have appropriate insurance coverages designed to reduce your total cost of risk.

By collaborating with an expert in risk management, manufacturers can minimize their risk exposures including risk of worker injuries, cyberattacks, and the impacts of severe weather and business interruption.

At Marsh, our manufacturing risk specialists understand your industry's unique risk-related challenges and can provide the guidance you need to help navigate risks. We combine our expertise with our data-driven analytics to provide you with insights that lead to better business outcomes and reduced risk.

Marsh Morocco S.A. au capital de 1 500 000 DHS - Intermédiaire d'assurance régi par la Loi N°17-99 portant code des assurances. Autorisation du Ministère des Finances N° C1430CD2023138 du 21 février 2023