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Melina Lemalie

  • Job Title: People Partner - NZ
  • Business: Human Resources
  • Office Location: Auckland
  • Joined Marsh: November 2021
  • Interests: Family, friends, sports and watching a good Netflix doco or series




What is your role at Marsh? 

As a People Partner, the main part of my role is to work with the local leadership team on the development and execution of local strategic people initiatives. The goal is to continually build a work environment where colleagues are skilled, engaged and feel safe and motivated to work together to achieve our short term company goals, while building a long term sustained competitive advantage. The other critical part of my role is to make sure I have a few laughs along the way.

Who is your inspiration?

It’s really hard to identify one person that I can pin that badge to in all honesty. I feel that there have been so many people that have inspired me throughout my life from family, close friends, teachers, sports coaches, colleagues, inspirational leaders to complete strangers who perform random acts of kindness. For me, what makes someone inspiring is their ability to persevere through adversity to achieve something that they didn’t think they could achieve or were told that they couldn’t achieve. That really gets my juices running. I’m definitely a big fan of the underdog! 

What is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers?

You are the sole champion of your own career and anything is achievable if you firstly believe in yourself, your abilities and then make sure you surround yourself with the right people who will support you on your journey.

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

From a professional perspective I remember in my very first Health and Safety / HR job sitting in my manager Mary’s office and asking her “how do you know you are making the right decision?” She said to me to “just follow your gut instinct as it generally won’t let you down.” I’ve taken that advice on-board! Most of the time it has worked and when it hasn’t, it’s provided me with very valuable learning experiences to take forward in my career.  

What excites you about working at Marsh?

It’s a bit cliché but I’ve got to say it’s the people. My experience so far is that I find myself surrounded by down to earth, level headed people that are engaged, open to different perspectives and are motivated to try something new in an effort to achieve the overall success of the business. This is personally motivating for me as I am driven by being in an agile and collaborative team that is out to win.