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Christianne Peacock

  • Job Title: Principal Broker
  • Business: Marsh – Corporate and Commercial
  • Office Location: Christchurch
  • Joined Marsh: October 2021
  • Interests: Reading, sports, movies, cooking and spending time with friends /family - most importantly my husband and our golden retriever




What is your role at Marsh? 

As a principal broker, I work with a portfolio of existing clients (and assist new clients) both within the commercial and corporate sectors to gain an in-depth understanding of how their organisation works. The purpose of this is to better assess possible risk exposures and work with these clients to implement a variety of strategies on how to handle this risk via options such as mitigation (implementing processes, practices and strategies to reduce the exposures where possible), transfer (such as insurance coverage & placement) and in some cases this may also focus on retention (working with them to understand what an acceptable level of risk may be that they may wish to hold themselves). I also collaborate with our wider organisation to utilise the wealth of knowledge that resides within Marsh, to ensure the best risk solution is obtained for our clients. 

What do you do to make others feel included?

I like to live by the motto of - treat others the way you would like to be treated. A simple smile, taking a genuine interest in someone’s life and a wee gesture of kindness can take so little of our time and cost nothing yet mean so much to someone else. In the fast paced environment of insurance, it’s easy for people to feel overwhelmed. By simply acting with kindness, I find this allows people the ability to speak up and want to engage and therefore feel included. I also strongly believe in creating an open environment where it’s OK for people to ask for help (and equally as OK for someone to say no if they can’t). Visibly doing this yourself is critical in our day to day working lives.  

Who is your inspiration?

I have come across so many people who have had an impact on my life but Ghandi’s quote - “Be the change you want to see in the world” really resonates with me. Too often people try to change external factors, controls and other people and become frustrated or feel like they are failing if they don’t succeed. One thing you will always have control over is yourself and your own actions – lead by example. True leadership isn’t defined by a job title, it’s defined by the ability to inspire others to follow the best path and to strive to be the best version of themselves. 

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

Knowledge is a never ending goal. 

In our industry in particular which is ever changing and ever evolving, it’s so important to understand that you will never know everything. No matter how many years you spend in insurance, there will always be a different scenario or question that you haven’t come across. I find it humbling to constantly chase the unknown because you cannot grow and develop further without this curiosity. In some ways, I liken my own development to being like a “small fish in the big pool” as it means I can only continue to grow and be challenged and this is what drives me. 

What excites you about working at Marsh?

I love that this organisation has such an authentic “people first” approach. You hear this a lot within our industry but I don’t feel this has always proven to be a top priority above bottom line. At Marsh, I truly feel that both clients and employees are not just a number – there is a genuine care and focus on delivering the best outcomes possible all round in ensuring the wellbeing of our client’s organisations from a risk perspective but also a continued focus on the wellbeing of our people.