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2023 UK Utilities Risk Report

Marsh has once again partnered with Utility Week in contributing to the Utilities Risk Report, which examines the evolving risk landscape facing UK Utilities.

Marsh has once again partnered with Utility Week in contributing to the Utilities Risk Report, which examines the evolving risk landscape facing UK Utilities.

The Utilities sector continues to evolve in response to multiple risk factors, testing utility companies' resilience and preparedness. Based on a survey of leading utility companies which sought to determine what utility companies see as the major risks they face over the next five to ten years the report examines five potential areas of risk:

  • ​​​​​Policy and regulatory risks
  • Societal risks
  • Environmental risks
  • Investment and skills risks
  • Digital and security risks

Download the report to learn more.


2023 UK Utilities Risk Report

How water and energy companies view the impacts of environmental, societal, technological, and political trends on their businesses.