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Spot the protection gap in your business insurance coverage

Identify protection gaps in your organisation and get tailored risk control recommendations with Marsh’s free, seven-minute Corporate Insurance Survey.


Uncover your protection gap with the free, 7-minute Corporate Insurance Survey. 


Receive a customised report assessing the adequacy of your existing risk controls.


Consult with Marsh’s experts for advice on the risk controls to prioritise and implement.

Across Asia, businesses are facing rising volatility and accelerating intensity and severity of losses from issues such as supply chain disruptions, natural catastrophes, cyberattacks, and directors and officers liabilities.

Combined with an inflationary environment, these issues are causing an impact on asset valuations and business interruption (BI) declared values. As these values shift and organisations’ corporate insurance programs and coverage limits remain unchanged, the key concern is a growing protection gap that leaves companies increasingly underinsured.

What are the consequences of a widening protection gap?

For any organisation, realising that an existing insurance program has become inadequate only after a risk event has occurred can result in far-reaching and costly financial, operational, and even reputational consequences. An inflationary environment further exacerbates the uncertainty over future claims, exposing the business to higher risk of underestimating current claims.

In particular, small- and medium-sized businesses that are underinsured might not have the financial means to bear uninsured losses and the higher-than-expected recovery costs following a risk event or crisis.

Diagnose your organisation’s existing risk controls

To accurately assess your organisation’s preparedness and adequacy of its existing corporate insurance program and risk controls, Marsh has created the Corporate Insurance Survey — a free diagnostic that takes only seven minutes to complete. The survey focuses on five key areas where underinsurance could most likely arise for businesses:

  • Resiliency 
  • Property, Casualty, Cargo 
  • Trade Credit 
  • Financial and professional liability 
  • Cybersecurity 

Your responses to your company’s existing risk controls in these key areas will be comprehensively analysed and assessed.

Know your best course of action in 48 hours

After completing the assessment, you will receive your customised report within 48 hours.

Once your report is ready, you can connect with our experts anytime to receive further analysis on your benchmarked ratings, identify potential protection gaps and areas of underinsurance, and discuss the report’s recommendations.

The report is your starting point to building and implementing strategic risk controls that are well-aligned with your business’s needs.

Why Marsh

Marsh, the world’s largest insurance broker and risk advisor, is dedicated to helping clients globally and in Asia manage risk effectively. Leveraging robust technology and data capabilities, Marsh’s long-standing expertise in designing, developing, and implementing innovative and efficient risk solutions across diverse industries and geographies delivers sustainable benefits for clients and empowers them to take advantage of opportunities that foster resilient business growth and expansion.

Marsh Corporate Insurance Survey

A free diagnostic tool that evaluates insurance coverage in key areas including cybersecurity, trade credit, and directors and officers liability.

Act now and reinforce your organisation’s resilience

To strengthen your organisation’s business resilience for the risks and unexpected events that lay ahead, take the free Marsh Corporate Insurance Survey today.