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Blue[i] PEMA Insights

Helping private equity sponsors to be better informed and make more efficient decisions.

Are you a private equity sponsor struggling to have a clear view of the status of insurance procurement across your entire portfolio? Marsh’s Blue[i] PEMA Insights is a cutting-edge solution designed to empower private equity sponsors in making informed and efficient risk management solutions.

In the fast-paced world of private equity, it can be challenging to obtain a cohesive understanding of insurance procurement across your entire portfolio. Relying on manual, spreadsheet-based summaries is not only labor-intensive but also prone to error. This approach can lead to unidentified uninsured exposures, potential coverage gaps, inconsistency in balance sheet protection, and missed opportunities to achieve cost synergies.

Blue[i] PEMA Insights provides you with real-time visibility into critical data points tied to the status of insurance procurement across your portfolio. This innovative solution empowers more agile decisions, helping you protect your portfolio companies and align them with your strategic objectives.

With Blue[i] PEMA Insights, you can access premium distribution insights by portfolio company, major line of coverage, insurer, and geography. What sets this system apart is its ability to ingest data from insurance programs placed by other brokers, providing you with a holistic view across your entire portfolio.

Key features of this unique platform include:

Data-driven decision-making

Utilize premium distribution insights by insurer, major line of coverage, portfolio company, and geography to make informed decisions. Our data-driven insights will help you identify strategic areas of focus, renewal dates that can be aligned, and counterparty exposure you can then aim to mitigate. Utilize baseline data to drive desired placement and claims outcomes.

Renewal calendar

Gain a comprehensive view of policy count and premium by renewal month, allowing you to stay ahead of upcoming renewals. Collaborate with the Marsh team to strategically plan and proactively manage renewals.

Unlock access to improved outcomes

Our one-stop-shop dashboard provides valuable information for each portfolio company, including coverage limits for each line. Utilize our extensive database and specialists’ advice to better protect your balance sheet and identify potential uninsured or underinsured exposures. Build a premium aggregation strategy with the aim to improve outcomes. Gain a comprehensive view of market relationships with insurance providers to help you develop effective claims recovery strategies.

Consolidation and optimization

Minimize administrative burden by consolidating policy periods and aligning renewal dates across portfolio companies. Gain direct access to Marsh’s private equity specialists who can provide targeted advice on improving your insurance purchasing strategy.

To revolutionize your risk management approach with Blue[i] PEMA Insights, contact your Marsh representative for more information.