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An Eye on P&I 6: Risks covered and claims handling

Learn about the main risks covered by P&I clubs and how claims are handled. Hear about the role of club correspondents and what happens after a claim is notified.

In Episode 6 of Marsh’s marine's P&I Podcast, Chloe Taylor and John Trew explore the main risks covered by P&I clubs and how claims are handled. They discuss the most significant types of claims by number, including people and cargo claims, and touch upon costlier risk types such as damage to third-party property, collisions, oil pollution, and wreck removal. We also explain the role of club correspondents and the process of estimating claims.

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About our speakers

John Trew

John Trew

Special Adviser, Marine, Cargo & Logistics

  • United Kingdom

Chloe Taylor

Chloe Taylor

Client Manager, Marine, Cargo & Logistics

  • United Kingdom