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Carbon Counting Matters in Public Tenders

In the seventh edition of our construction magazine Building Sight, we look at how public sector clients are starting to look at carbon budgets alongside capital ones in a bid to reduce carbon emissions and slow climate change.
Night cityscape in metropolis with lighting up building

Some public sector clients are starting to look at carbon budgets alongside capital ones. Swedish transport authority Trafikverket has gone further.

In the seventh edition of our construction magazine Building Sight, we look at how the construction industry is tackling environmental issues and aiding countries to reduce emissions and meet ambitious targets.

In 2016, Trafikverket in Sweden launched its carbon reduction requirements for large transport infrastructure projects: Contractors bidding on contracts over €5 million, and due to start operation after 2020, must provide a carbon budget and details of how they plan to reduce the project’s carbon footprint.

Between 2020 and 2024, design-and-build contracts will be targeted to achieve a 15% carbon reduction.

From 2025 to 2029, the targeted reduction will rise to 30%.

Projects that better their targets could receive a financial bonus.

Carbon footprints for Trafikverket projects are calculated using a tool called Klimatkalkyl.Sweden has set itself ambitious goals to reduce its carbon emissions and slow climate change.

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Carbon reduction target for Trafikverket’s design-and-build contracts between 2020 and 2024


Increased carbon reduction target for Trafikverket’s design-and-build contracts between 2025 and 2029