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The effects of ESG risks on claims: A holistic discussion on how to increase resilience and improve sustainability

When looking at ESG through a claims lens, organisations often dwell on only the E. While the environmental impact on businesses and claims is critical, social and governance risks are equally important. Join us for a conversation analysing the ‘E’, ‘S’ and ‘G’ from a risk and claims perspective. We will share insights that can help you prepare your organisation for the risks and potential claims in each of the three areas.

Our speakers


  • Chetna Gulati-Kapoor, Senior Claims Advocate, SVP International Claims Solutions, Marsh


  • Dave Fox, Managing Director, Geospatial Insight Ltd
  • Lars Henneberg, Vice President, Head of Risk Management, A.P. Moller-Maersk
  • Sophie Robson, Management Liability Claims Advocate, FINPRO, Marsh

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