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Sarah Rowe

Excellence Leader | Auckland, New Zealand

  • Job Title: Excellence Leader
  • Office Location: Auckland
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies: Drinking coffee with friends; low and slow barbequeing; classic cars; and sewing clothes

Tell us what you do at Marsh – in 20 words or less 

My goal is to uplift our people to achieve excellence – inspiring our colleagues to be their best selves at work.

What is the most exciting part of your job? 

The abundance of opportunity – every one of us has something we can share, or learn, or drive forward to make this an even better place to work. I’m lucky to meet and work alongside so many amazing people and as I get more settled into the role and across more of the business I’m looking forward to better understanding how I can contribute to this.  

Who is your inspiration?

There’s no one person I particularly look up or aspire to. I am naturally a very curious person and find inspiration in everyone I encounter. I often joke that I get a crush on everyone I meet (in true Libra style!) and I find inspiration from connecting with new people and sharing in their stories. 

What is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers?

Own who you are and what you bring to your workspace. Own your accomplishments. Accept the compliments. Be bold in your convictions. It is easy to feel like we should take up less space and downplay our successes. Each and every one of us brings something valuable and unique to the table and it’s through our shared voices that we can effect positive change. 

How do you bring your "whole self to work?"

When people first meet me they’re often surprised to find I work in insurance as I’m not by any stretch the typical ‘corporate’ role model at first glance.

I’m a fairly open book and generally can’t help but be myself - it’s been commented on that the ‘at-home Sarah’ and the ‘work-Sarah’ are probably not too far removed from one another, and I’d agree with that statement. I think that my default position of openness and trust helps with authentic connections, and I have found myself supported and encouraged based on who I am and what I contribute, rather than any preconceived ideas. 

I struggled for a long time to reconcile how I fit into the workplace and whether I did, in fact, belong in this space. However, I’ve been supported from day one to be myself – to the point where I’ve been (jokingly) reprimanded following lockdown for not looking like myself after my usually pastel-pink hair reverted to ‘normal’ colours again! 

What excites you about working at Marsh?

I genuinely believe that Marsh is a great place to work, where we are encouraged and celebrated for the contributions we offer – both in terms of who we are as individuals, and what we bring to the culture and community here in the workplace.   

At the end of March I will celebrate three years at Marsh, and in that short time have seen so much growth and positive change in our business as we build on the foundations we have and work toward an even better future together. We have such an amazing team of colleagues across our businesses and throughout the country (and beyond!) and we have so much opportunity ahead of us. I’m excited to be part of it.

Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. At Marsh, we believe that inclusion, diversity, and belonging are core to our purpose of protecting and promoting possibility.