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Megan Warner

Commercial Leader | Auckland, New Zealand

  • Job Title: Commercial Leader, New Zealand
  • Office Location: Auckland
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies: Read, travelling and discovering new places.

What is your role at Marsh? 

I am the Commercial Leader for Marsh New Zealand. In New Zealand, small and medium businesses SME’s) make up 97% of the economy – my role focuses on delivering insurance and risk management solutions to these small to medium businesses around Aotearoa. 

Who is your inspiration?

My Mum is my biggest inspiration. Growing up with her as a single Mother, guiding my two Sisters and I through life, we learnt the art and balance of patience and passion. My Mum has always worked incredibly hard throughout her life, gaining a tertiary education degree once all her girls left home.  She taught me that it is so important to wake up and do a job you are passionate about and as a result, you’ll have fun every day. My Mum is also someone who is not afraid to laugh at herself and always try to dig deeper to understand the ‘why’ in all situations. 

My Mum taught me one of my guiding principles in life, which has ultimately got me to where I am today in my career: always ask yourself in every situation “what is the right thing to do?”. 

What's the best piece of advice someone has ever given you? 

Someone wise once told me that you are replaceable at work, but not at home. Give everything you can to make yourself proud in everything you do. 

What is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers?

In talking to young women entering the workforce, remember these things:

  • You can do anything you put your mind to. 

  • Don’t be afraid of failure: you have to jump before you fly. 

  • Ask for help: There is a whole community of people out there who will help you achieve success – whatever that looks like to you. 

  • Always ask questions. 

  • Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. 

How do you bring your "whole self to work?"

Balance is absolutely key. By being able to balance what brings me joy in both my home and work life, I have been able to focus on bringing the best I can every day for myself and my team. This environment helps everyone to focus on delivering the best solutions for our clients and colleagues daily.  

What excites you about working at Marsh?

Marsh brings opportunity. Opportunity to deliver your best, to be your best and to be part of something bigger than just insurance. Marsh is so supportive in upskilling their colleagues, providing opportunities with global mobility and we have a fantastic culture of possibility. 

Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. At Marsh, we believe that inclusion, diversity, and belonging are core to our purpose of protecting and promoting possibility.