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Cyber Risk Analytics

Calculating the financial impact of a cyberattack is crucial in today’s environment. Yet, as the pace and cost of cyberattacks increase, many organizations struggle to prioritize cyber risk investments, to measure cybersecurity effectiveness, to identify appropriate data and analytics tools, and, ultimately, to develop meaningful risk transfer solutions.

As the same time, many find it challenging to discuss cyber risk with key stakeholders using terms that are easy to understand.

Blue[i], Marsh’s next generation analytics suite, delivers our market-leading data, expertise, and risk quantification models through an interactive and engaging platform. Our tailored dashboards enable you to:

  • Understand the types, severity, and likelihood of cyber threats facing your organization.
  • Calculate the cost of various cyber event scenarios.
  • Use “what if” modelling to view how insurance, investment, and business decisions affect your cyber risk profile.
  • Move from a highly technical discussion of cyber risk to a financial one.

Marsh’s cyber risk analytics provide clarity into the impact on risk reduction of cybersecurity and risk transfer investments. This enables you to make well-informed decisions about where to allocate cyber risk capital and maximize your return on investment.

Cyber risk analytics

Enabling smart investments in cyber insurance and cybersecurity

Our people

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Kristine Salgado

Head of Corporate – Cyber, Marsh Specialty, Australia

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Hannah Morgans

Growth Leader, Cyber

  • Australia