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Medicinal Cannabis

Marsh supports medicinal cannabis businesses of all types to identify and mitigate the various risks they face through appropriate insurance and risk solutions.

Insurance broking and risk management for medicinal cannabis businesses

The medicinal cannabis industry in Australia continues to grow and evolve.

Whether you are just starting out or scaling up your operations, your business faces rapidly changing risks that may require specialised insurance cover. In a complex regulatory environment, it is critical to work with a trusted advisor that can help you identify and stay ahead of emerging risks.

From cultivators and retailers to clinical trial groups and property owners leasing to medicinal cannabis businesses, Marsh supports all types of businesses in this sector to arrange insurance and risk solutions appropriate for their needs.

We partner closely with some of the leading businesses, insurers and associations in Australia to offer insight and knowledge across our client network and support the sector to protect and promote possibility through understanding and management of risk. We are proud to be an Associate Member of Medicinal Cannabis Industry Australia and are committed to ensuring we are at the forefront of emerging risks when supporting our clients on their journey.

Get in touch today about arranging a quote for your business.

Marsh can support all types of medicinal cannabis businesses


Cannabis cultivation practices have matured and evolved over the years, creating new risks for businesses. The failure to properly understand and address these new exposures puts your business, staff, and that hard-won progress at risk. At Marsh, we foster a customised approach with our clients, collaborating with you to understand your business and operational needs. Our focus is to help manage your risk environment so that your business can thrive. As your business grows, we will make sure you’re protected and supported along the way.


Innovative processing techniques have been developed for new medicinal cannabis products to meet the demands of evolving consumer preferences. At Marsh, our risk specialists understand the regulatory, health and safety, and supply chain risks cannabis processors encounter. We can also anticipate new risks in product safety, crop damage, business interruption, and other financial and operational challenges.

We collaborate with our clients to help ensure the right insurance and risk management solutions are in place to help their business succeed. Whether you currently operate a cannabis processing operation, or are considering establishing one, we can help you.


It takes the right mix of desirable product, stable supply, a good location, and an ideal customer experience to be a successful medicinal cannabis retailer. We understand the time and effort that goes into establishing all the elements for success. The robust regulatory requirements and supply chain disruptions can create challenges. Retailers that don’t consider the risks facing their business, or don’t have the right coverage and risk management support, can lose everything.

At Marsh, we address these concerns so you can focus on your business. Our cannabis risk specialists collaborate with you to understand how your business operates, your strategy for success, and formulate a risk management and insurance program to fit your needs. As your business grows and new risks emerge, we will make sure you are prepared and protected.

Cannabis testing laboratories

Laboratories play an integral role in the supply chain by ensuring the quality, safety, and consistency of medicinal and recreational cannabis. Clinical trials investigating the medical benefits of cannabis for a variety of conditions are dramatically increasing globally. Marsh has unparalleled experience managing the risk exposures inherent in clinical trials.

While testing cannabis or undertaking clinical trials can be challenging, and the regulatory environment complex, our risk specialists engage with clients to ensure their insurance coverage and ongoing risk management helps their business succeed.

Property owners leasing to cannabis businesses

While the medicinal cannabis industry offers new business opportunities, leasing to a licensed cannabis business presents unique legal and regulatory requirements for property owners. It can also make obtaining cost-effective property coverage very challenging. We understand these challenges and have developed specialised market solutions for property owners with tenants engaged in the cannabis industry. We will work with you to ensure you have the protection and support you need.


It is important to understand the risks that come with running a medicinal cannabis business. Having the right insurance cover in place could be the difference between getting back on track and losing everything. Depending on the size and scale of your business, Marsh recommends considering the following insurance solutions:
  • Public and products liability insurance
  • Professional indemnity cover
  • Property insurance
  • Business interruption insurance
  • Workers’ compensation
  • Management liability/Directors and Officers insurance
  • Cyber insurance
  • Product recall insurance
  • Clinical trial cover 

Our people

Daniel Rooney

Daniel Rooney

Principal – Affinity, National Manager Buying Groups

This publication is not intended to be taken as advice regarding any individual situation and should not be relied upon as such. The information contained herein is based on sources we believe reliable, but we make no representation or warranty as to its accuracy. Marsh shall have no obligation to update this publication and shall have no liability to you or any other party arising out of this publication or any matter contained herein. Marsh makes no representation or warranty concerning the application of policy wordings or the financial condition or solvency of insurers or re-insurers. Marsh makes no assurances regarding the availability, cost, or terms of insurance coverage.

LCPA 22/393