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How contractors can improve cash flow and profitability

Marsh Advisory has identified seven areas of a risk and insurance program that construction contractors could review to improve cash flow and profitability.

How contractors can improve cash flow and profitability

Contractors are continually facing increased pressures on profit margins and cash flow due to a highly competitive environment, delays in payments, economic pressures delaying project start-ups and high labour costs.

To remain competitive in the long term, contractors have the opportunity to look at where their risk management and insurance program might be causing them to lose money in either cash flow or reduced profits.

Marsh Advisory has identified the following seven areas within a risk management program that could be impacting the profitability of a contractor’s business.

1. Insurance limits

Insurance limits may be too conservative, resulting in contractors paying premiums for limits they are unlikely to need.

2. Excesses

If excesses are set too low, contractors may be placing profit back into the hands of insurers when it may be more profitable to retain more of the risk.

3. Differentiation to insurers

How a contractor manages their construction risk may not be communicated effectively to the insurance market. Unclear submissions can reduce an insurer's ability to differentiate a contractor's business from their peers and therefore impact their ability obtain better premium and capacity.

4. Policy wording

Some policies may not contain agreed KPIs relating to the progress of payments from insurers. This can mean that a contractor may have to have to wait for a longer timeframe than anticipated for their claim settlement.

5. Delays in claims payments

Where claims are handled by non-construction specialists, unnecessary delays in settlement can result. In some cases, a lack of understanding of a contractor’s needs may also result in payments that are lower than otherwise obtainable.

6. Sub-contractor performance

Uninsured risk from sub-contractor default, quality issues and delays can erode profitability.

7. Liquidated damages claims

We have seen some instances of principals using liquidated damage clauses too aggressively to withhold payments and squeeze contractors’ profit margins, knowing that contractors often have limited resources to lodge a sophisticated defence quickly.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business

How Marsh can help

  • Analytics on the optimal excesses and insurance limits to ensure you are not being too conservative with risk retention and determine the ideal balance between risk coverage and premium savings.
  • Detailed underwriting submissions that clearly articulate your risks and risk management practices to reduce underwriter uncertainty and create clear differentiation between you and your peers.
  • Pre-agreed policy wording with insurers on the timing of progress payments to make sure cash flow is not hindered by excessive delays.
  • Experienced construction claims specialists who understand your needs and can move quickly to maximise recoveries.
  • Sub–contractor risk identification and risk maturity assessments to identify critical sub-contractors, independently assess their viability and risk maturity, predict their performance on your project and help you identify and manage performance issues before they arise.
  • Project delay specialists who can quickly identify the root causes of project delays and how much each cause contributed to the delay (as a percentage) and ultimately the allocation of liability. This helps support contractors to defend liquidated damages claims (when appropriate) and to reduce or remove any financial penalties without incurring expensive legal fees.

Get in touch for a review of your risk and insurance program.

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