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Waste less and feed more with KiwiHarvest Volunteering

Marsh McLennan New Zealand colleagues have committed to a monthly volunteering slot with KiwiHarvest, an organisation committed to wasting less food and feeding more.

Marsh McLennan colleagues have committed to a monthly volunteering slot with KiwiHarvest, an organisation committed to wasting less food and feeding more. In New Zealand, the kai industry generates more than 100,000 tonnes of food waste per year, with an estimated 60% of that kai still being perfect to eat.

Helping to solve two major issues in Aotearoa, KiwiHarvest have set out to reduce the unnecessary placement of food within our whenua and redistribute this kai to organisations who feed those currently struggling to feed themselves and their whanau.

We’re so grateful to be involved with this organisation and our colleagues are really enjoying the educational session we have with KiwiHarvest before undertaking a morning’s worth of mahi.