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Blue[i] D&O Analytics

Turning data into board insights.


Gain real-time insights into the impact of scenarios that can generate claims


Evaluate program structures to understand how variable changes affect outcomes


Harmonize programs in support of your business and risk objectives

In today’s business environment, it has become increasingly important for companies and their boards to understand what could threaten their directors and officers, including the likelihood of potential claims and possible outcomes. And they need data and tools to help them make smarter decisions about the insurance policy structures and limits that they should be purchasing.

Blue[i] D&O Analytics is designed to provide critical insights that can help you better understand your litigation exposure across multiple scenarios and build an insurance program that better protects your organization and its directors and officers.

Securities class action litigation represents one of the most significant D&O risks for public companies and boards of directors. Regulatory and shareholder derivative actions are also prominent threats in the D&O landscape. To build effective D&O insurance coverage, companies must have a clear understanding of the potential frequency and severity of these risks based on their organizational risk profile. Without that, companies, as well as their individual board members, could face significant uninsured exposures.

Blue[i] D&O Analytics incorporates the functionality of our longstanding IDEAL+ predictive model into a new, more comprehensive digital solution that allows public companies to model D&O claims scenarios in real time.

Blue[i] D&O Analytics can help you build an efficient D&O insurance policy structure that is tailored to your organization’s risk appetite and broader view of risk. It will help you answer the following questions:

  • What factors specific to our company contribute to our D&O claim risk?
  • What is the likelihood that our company will face a shareholder class action lawsuit, derivative suit, or regulatory action?
  • In the event of such a claim, what are the potential costs — including defense and settlement expenses — that our company could incur?


Blue[i] D&O Analytics is part of Marsh’s suite of Blue[i] analytics solutions that integrate our industry-leading proprietary data, advanced digital technology, and innovative risk intelligence platform to deliver actionable insights.

Blue[i] D&O Analytics is designed to provide critical insights that can help you better understand your litigation exposure across multiple scenarios and build an insurance program that better protects your organization and its directors and officers.

Your organization may face securities class action litigation or regulatory and shareholder derivative actions, both of which are prominent threats in the D&O landscape.

Blue[i] D&O Analytics can help you build an effective and efficient D&O insurance policy structure that is tailored to your organization’s risk appetite and broader view of risk.

The insights gleaned from Blue[i] D&O Analytics can inform key decisions about insurance program structures, including how much coverage to purchase and what limits and retentions align with your overall risk philosophy.

Our model can also help you evaluate alternative risk financing mechanisms, including captive insurance.

Like all of our solutions, Blue[i] D&O Analytics is backed by Marsh’s unmatched team of specialists who, empowered with the solution’s holistic view of risk, can help you develop creative, custom solutions for your organization’s needs.

Why Marsh

We live in a world of change. Technology is advancing, ways of working are shifting, and new risks are emerging. Climate change, geopolitical strife, and economic uncertainty are only a few of the dynamics driving volatility in today’s environment.

Business leaders need more than static views for risk planning; they require a dynamic solution that enables them to respond to a changing environment with confidence, anchored by industry-leading data insights and expertise.

Successfully navigating the risk landscape requires a commitment to take on the challenges of our time, reimagining risk and resilience. Blue[i] D&O Analytics delivers the data insights you need on demand and allows you to view analytics and modeling results in real time, moving from the world of insurance to the world of risk.

Our people

Raj	Lakhani

Raj Lakhani

International Practice Leader, Analytics Solutions

  • United Kingdom

LIz Walker

Liz Walker

Analytics Solutions Leader, US and Canada

  • United States

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